Tuesday 31 March 2015

SmArt Learn!nG

SEe the Tirtle!!! haha :)
okay kali nie nak speaking London cikit.
moh nak share dgn korang tips for smart learning.

Why pilih post pasal nie??? nak tahu kenapa?? KATA mahasiswa pikir lah sendiri.. haiyaaaa. Come on beb..
hahaha, cehwah poyo lebih. Sebenarnya saja je nak share sbb terjumpa tajuk nie kat newspaper so tu yg nak tulis nie. Okay lets start now....

There have five steps for smart learning :

  1. Listen in the class:
Aural memory for most people isn't perfect, especially if you're not sure of the subject or the lecture goes on for too long. The trick is to look at the learning guide before you go in and focus on listening to the most important part of the lecture. If you're not sure, ask your teacher " what you should take away from this class" at the end of the class.

      2. Read the book: 

Read over the material as soon as you can after the class. Even if it's a quick read, it will stiil reinforce what you've heard. This will  helps to fix information in your long-term memory.

      3. Talk to someone about the subject:

Discussion aids memory, especially if it promotes understanding and lets you work through different approaches. Ideally, it should be with  someone who gets slightly better grade so you can an extra tutorial.

      4. Test yourself:

Pretend you're writing an answer to an exam question. You may or may not want to write it out-for some people,walking through it verbally is enough to pinpoint areas where they are still a bit shaky.

     5. Teach what you learn:

When you are standing up and giving a presentation adn questions are thrown at you, you will know your limitation. Don't be shy, but ask your audience to be kind and remind them it will be their turn next.


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